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Words of Wisdom

The Importance of Customer Journey Mapping

Hosted by ABM Director Gary King with guest expert  

Nigel Greenwood

What is Customer Journey Mapping? And why does it matter?

Hosted by ABM Director Gary King, with guest Nigel Greenwood

ABM Director Gary King speaks with guest Nigel Greenwood about the importance of customer journey mapping in our latest Words of Wisdom episode.

Nigel Greenwood is an expert on customer journey mapping with over 10 years of experience in helping businesses, small and large, win and keep customers. In this interview, he shares his top tips on how you can implement this tool not only to build your mentoring business but also to support your mentees

About NigelGreenwood

30 years of creating great customer experiences, an author, presenter and lecturer, but mostly someone who likes to keep things simple, says it as it is, knows what customers want and loves making a difference.

Nigel is a former Head of Channel Management and Head Of Customer Loyalty for the Financial Services Division of HBOS. He has improved customer experience across a number of roles for 28 years. Following a corporate career in Financial Services, he spent 4 years contracting with large corporates to improve customer experience and retention. Frustrated at how slow large businesses were to change, in 2014 he founded Simply Customer Ltd to bring the benefits of journey mapping and customer experience improvement to SMEs.

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